Monday 1 February 2010

Alone time...

Alone at last! Not that I begrudge my time but the last couple of weeks, I've hardly had any time to myself!! Finally, some time where I can sit and write undisturbed...well, that's what I thought until about 15 minutes ago when I had a knock at my door with a lovely yet apologetic messenger informing me that my milk had leaked all over the communal fridge...ARGH! My fault - obviously - so I went to clear it up. When I returned, I had a missed call from my mum...I called her back to hear (via my sister) that she's driving now so she'll call again when she gets home...then a message from a friend asking me to ask my sister to go on Skype...

Not that I'm trying to pretend I'm hugely popular or anything!!!! But sometimes it's really nice to just have a little time to yourself to stop and think...

Time for some music I think... Outside Looking In by Nick Lachey is the one I have in my head at the moment so I'm listening to him now.

It must be mentioned that I'm really enjoying university at the moment...maybe not for all the 'right' reasons (drinking, partying and clubbing spring directly to mind as those things I should be doing but just don't enjoy) but for all my own, personal reasons...I'm studying some really interesting things, I live on a really amazing campus, central London is only a short journey away - and the freedom!! It's just brilliant! Not only that but my cousin is moving not a five minute walk away from me in the next couple of weeks so I'll be able to spend as much time with her as we want without her messing up my room - I'll be able to mess hers up instead!! And with my lovely boyfriend only a tube journey away, life is pretty convenient at the moment - I'm really very lucky.

Obviously with a whole load of studying as well...!!!