Thursday 17 June 2010

Natural beauty

Wow, it's been a long long time since I last posted something here... A lot has happened in the last couple of months; some incredible, some horrendous.

I think I'll focus on the exciting, positive things here.

So first off, I've finished my first year of uni! Very scary that it's already been a year (well, a year in the life of uni, not a proper year) and...I've passed! Hooray =]

Secondly, I'm off to Sweden mid-August to study for a term in Stockholm - how exciting! I can speak about three words of Swedish (well, more like thirteen haha) but I'm going to study it whilst I am out there...that'll be very cool. I know it's a bit weird going there considering I'm studying English language and Spanish but it was just on a whim that I decided to apply and for some reason they liked me!

Thirdly...well, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and I can hear the sea from where I sit. When I had to move out of halls at uni I was so sad but the truth is, I love living here - it's so beautiful and (mostly) natural...which I think is incredible because nature certainly deserves the world more than we do.

Anyway, guess I should go but now I'm back, hopefully I'll actually be able to keep this up now. Thanks for reading! xx