Tuesday 31 August 2010

My Voyage Of Self-Discovery

Earlier this evening:

I think that I may have found my new place of inspiration. It's so quiet and calm and peaceful...I feel as though I am at one with nature here...the quiet seems alive, somehow. I don't want these to be empty words, copied from someone else...I'm not having some kind of out-of-body, holy experience or anything! This place (Stockholm as a whole) reminds me a lot of Hong Kong - perhaps it is because they are both so foreign to me - but with one difference; Stockholm feels like home.

I feel as if I could walk on and on and on forever here, along between the trees, by the water. But then you get a glimpse of the city, of reality; real life. It should spoil it but it's so Swedishly beautiful and so far away that it doesn't.

I feel as though I need to remain silent and hidden as others pass by. Keep my presence a secret. As though knowing that other people know of me here will spoil everything...the whole serenity of this place. I know they know I'm here - I'm sure of it! - yet somehow I cannot help but feel like this. It's a beautiful, unspoken secret between me and nature, hidden from the rest of the world.

I feel as though this - the sound of nothing but footsteps and nature and the water lapping against the rocks - this is the true sound of silence.


I feel as if I have walked today
A truly secret path
Through the forest.

I know it
To be untrue,
I do.
Yet still I walk
My secret pathway.

My voyage of self-discovery. I don't mean to be pretentious; it's just how my mind is thinking of it...the way it has decided to refer to it...in my head.

Even the sound of myself seems intrusive...rude, somehow.

And now...back to reality.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

You Inspire Me

You inspire me
To write.
Provoking such strong emotions.
Your smile
Lights up
My world
You have

Maybe one day
You will.

Their Ghosts

Their ghosts echo down the corridors.
So loud I can practically hear them.
But the rooms hold only silence.
I wonder that they were ever here.

I can hear their voices,
Their laughs,
Their teasing.

See the smiles,
Know the fun we had together.

But now they are gone.
Split across the world,
Speaking in different tongues.

For a brief moment in time
We were united,
Each has gone their separate way
And I am here

I wonder where they all are now.
I wonder if they
Think of me

Friday 6 August 2010

In love...or just lust??

Oh my goodness...you know that amazing feeling when you fancy someone so much that you just can't stop thinking about them?

Yeah, I've got it!

Tuesday 3 August 2010


I wish I could free all the
Set them loose in the wind. 
The ones trapped
In grass
The lost ones.
Set them free.

Monday 2 August 2010

Way Up Here

Time comes to a standstill
From way up here.
I can contemplate it
But not comprehend.
I step away from reality
Towards the edge of my world.
My quiet edge of my world.
Can be found at the edge of my world.
I can look over at the great depths
Down into blue nothingness.
The further from their reality;
The journey there is easier than
The return.
As time seems not to exist
In this - my - reality.
And then I am brought back.