Thursday 14 January 2010

House hunting

So my cousin's up for the week...she wants to move up here and so she's been staying with me so that she can get everything sorted...

It's quite funny really; in the last couple of days my room has suddenly turned into a total mess and I don't have any time to myself at the moment...! I'm a person who really likes their space so that's interesting but actually things aren't going too badly at the moment.

Last night we were on the internet for about three hours (really really sad and normally I wouldn't dream of it but we had quite a laugh!) and then decided at 11.45pm that we really needed to go we piled on a load of clothes (it's really cold here at the moment) and headed off out to Asda!! It's 24 hours and we expected to be the only ones there but were surprised (and highly entertained) to find that a fair few people do their Asda shopping at 12.30am!!! I might start doing my weekly shop then cos it was waaaay less crowded than usual!

We're off house-hunting this evening - should be good fun and worth doing because I've gotta start looking for somewhere to live next year - I don't think I could bear living in halls of residence again!!! I've met some lovely people but I've also been forced to live with some horrendous ones so I can't wait to choose who I get to live with this time!! Haha... 

Examples: Three nights ago one of my friends woke everyone on our floor at 4.15am running up and down spraying a fire extinguisher...One of the most irritating, annoying guys I've ever been forced to live with (who consequently also thinks he's gorgeous) frequently walks up and down the corridor baring his chest to the rather unfortunate world...I woke two nights ago to the dulcet tones of heavy metal and stompy dancing from the floor above me at 3am...

Despite all of these things, I am really enjoying living here because there are some really great people that I live with too...!!

Monday 11 January 2010

A Typical Day In The Life Of A Uni Student

So it's my first day back at uni after the Christmas hols today...and it's been quite a long day too! Six hours of lectures - up from last term where I only had three on a Monday...although I can't complain because I only have lectures Monday to Wednesday now. It did surprise me when I started here in September that I only had 10.5 hours of lectures a week - I'd thought it would have been a little more than that! But never mind, eh?!

I set my alarm for 8am...didn't actually drag myself out of bed until 9.30 (seven alarms later) - I couldn't work out why I was so tired until I went into the kitchen later for lunch where one of my floormates started apologising profusely for waking everyone up at 4am - she was almost surprised that running up and down the corridor with the fire extinguisher on full blast had woken so many people up - just for a drunken laugh, of course. Seriously though, if we have a fire before it gets replaced I won't be happy!!! Haha... Anyway, back to 9.30 when I dragged myself out of bed and down the corridor for breakfast - quite healthy; I'm a big cereal person. 

First lecture - boring! It was Spanish - two hours of grammar which I can't say is the best part of my week to be honest! Followed by an hour of Spanish history and then - brilliantly - two hours of lunch. I didn't really get up to much then before heading up for my three hour lecture 'Meaning in language' - surprisingly, it wasn't as boring as it sounded, which was great because it's three hours long. We left a bit early from that, where I headed for the kitchen to talk to some of my friends - they're all going out tonight but I'm shattered, can't really be bothered and too stingy to pay the fiver for the privilege - especially having been forced to spend £5 on a course reader unfair!

Dinner soon I guess and then some least it'll be quiet until about 2.30am when everyone will return!! I know, I sound miserable but I am enjoying living here, really!! And I must of course conserve my energy - my best (uni) friend is returning tomorrow and my cousin's coming to stay for a few days so I'll need all the energy (and money) I can get then!

Saturday 9 January 2010

The Circle of Life

Saw the Lion King in London today. It was absolutely amazing and completely inspiring =] The way they made the costumes were just incredible. Definitely a must-see for everyone.

It's amazing the way people can interpret the same things in a completely different way and how the same event triggers a different emotional response from different people. Parts of the show were so emotional for me, partly because I can remember watching the film when I was younger...then again, other people said completely different things. I'm sure it depends on the experiences of the person but I just think it's incredible.

Friday 8 January 2010

Welcome to me

So...welcome to my first blog.

I suppose I should explain my blog title...

The weather fascinates me because it's like the sea; ever-changing and impossible for humans to control. One of the few things that we humans cannot spoil...and that makes it awesome to me.

There has been an incredible amount of snow the last few days where I live but before that we had incredible storms and one day I looked up out of my attic window to see orange hail from a purple sky. It was gorgeous and so original and that's what inspired my title.

As for this...well, I love to write and someone I know has been writing a blog so I thought it was time to get in on the action and have a go. If you actually have given me this much time to read my thoughts then thank you and hopefully if you bear with me I'll turn out to be a little bit interesting.