Monday 11 January 2010

A Typical Day In The Life Of A Uni Student

So it's my first day back at uni after the Christmas hols today...and it's been quite a long day too! Six hours of lectures - up from last term where I only had three on a Monday...although I can't complain because I only have lectures Monday to Wednesday now. It did surprise me when I started here in September that I only had 10.5 hours of lectures a week - I'd thought it would have been a little more than that! But never mind, eh?!

I set my alarm for 8am...didn't actually drag myself out of bed until 9.30 (seven alarms later) - I couldn't work out why I was so tired until I went into the kitchen later for lunch where one of my floormates started apologising profusely for waking everyone up at 4am - she was almost surprised that running up and down the corridor with the fire extinguisher on full blast had woken so many people up - just for a drunken laugh, of course. Seriously though, if we have a fire before it gets replaced I won't be happy!!! Haha... Anyway, back to 9.30 when I dragged myself out of bed and down the corridor for breakfast - quite healthy; I'm a big cereal person. 

First lecture - boring! It was Spanish - two hours of grammar which I can't say is the best part of my week to be honest! Followed by an hour of Spanish history and then - brilliantly - two hours of lunch. I didn't really get up to much then before heading up for my three hour lecture 'Meaning in language' - surprisingly, it wasn't as boring as it sounded, which was great because it's three hours long. We left a bit early from that, where I headed for the kitchen to talk to some of my friends - they're all going out tonight but I'm shattered, can't really be bothered and too stingy to pay the fiver for the privilege - especially having been forced to spend £5 on a course reader unfair!

Dinner soon I guess and then some least it'll be quiet until about 2.30am when everyone will return!! I know, I sound miserable but I am enjoying living here, really!! And I must of course conserve my energy - my best (uni) friend is returning tomorrow and my cousin's coming to stay for a few days so I'll need all the energy (and money) I can get then!


  1. Hi! My name is Aquiles. Pleased to meet you. This is my first time in your blog and I like it. I heard about you from Sophia's A Poet's Circus.

    I am also at university and must say that some lectures are terribly boring. Don't get me wrong, I love the courses' topics, but some professors manage to make some awesome courses the most boring on the planet--and we just have to take it.

    What is your major. It seems like you are taking quite a few Spanish courses.

    P.S. I am from the Dominican Republic and Spanish is my first language.

    Great to meet you. Hope we can become friends. I write for Minute by Minute and belong to the weblog The Coffee Cup.

    Buenos deseos,
    Aquiles from Minute by Minute

  2. Hi, lovely to meet you! Sorry it's taken so long to reply, I haven't been using this for a while...

    Are you just studying Spanish or something else as well?? I'm studying Spanish and also English language and linguistics (not as boring as it sounds!!)

    Lovely to meet you too, I'll have a look at some of your stuff =]

    Buenos deseos,
    Lusi x
